Advanced rulings of salat

In this 8 hour course, we will discuss the rulings of two great maraji’, Ayatullah Sistani on the topic of salat. This is not a course to cover the basics of salat. Rather, we will be focusing on the misunderstood and less known rulings of salat that, in most cases, will invalidate the prayer if one is not aware of them.

The areas we will cover are:

Wudhu, Tayammum, Ghusl
Conditions of Prayer (Clothing, Qiblah, Time, etc.)
The Actions of Salat
Doubts In Prayer
Invalidators of Salat
Qadha Prayer
Jama’at Prayer
Traveller’s Prayer
Friday Prayer
Ayaat Prayer
Mustahab Prayers

To see a sample of the questions we will answer, take the quiz below:

1- True or False: In a doubt between 3rd and 4th rak’ah in prayer, you would always act as if its your 4th rak’ah and then perform one rak’ah of ihtiyat prayer after.

2- You prayed salat but realized afterwards that the qiblah was a different direction. What do you do?
A: You must make up your prayer
B: It depends if it was less than 45 degrees off
C: It depends if it was less than 90 degrees off
D: None of the above

3- In jama’at prayer, you are standing in the third line. The Imam has said takbir, but you are not sure if the people standing in front of you have said takbir already. What do you do?
A: Don’t worry about it and just say takbir and begin.
B: You must wait until the lines ahead of you say takbir before you say it.
C: None of the above.

4- True or False: You have a wound on your hand that has been bandaged. You cannot remove the bandage per your doctor’s opinion. Your duty is to perform taymmum instead of wudhu until the wound is better.

5- You are in jam’at prayer and accidentally move ahead of the imam. Which is correct?
A: Your prayer is invalid for going ahead of him
B: Your prayer is valid because it was done unknowingly.
D: Your prayer is valid but you must always return back to the position that he is in.
C: None of the above.

6- True or False: When making up for qadha prayers, there is no particular order you need to make them up in. You are allowed to perform fajr before maghrib and asr before dhuhr.

7- You travelled to a city with the intention of staying for 6 days. After the six days, you then decide to stay another 5 days, totaling 11 days. Do you pray full or qasr?

8- You want to perform salat, but the carpet where you want to pray was definitely made najis a couple days ago. What can you do?
A: Perform salat in a najis spot, because it has dried up.
B: Must wash the area before praying.
C: Neither of above.

9- You go to a new masjid and you see a person leading the salat with multiple lines behind him.
A: You can join the jama’at if he looks like the type of person who is practicing of the faith.
B: You can’t join because you’re not sure if he’s just.
C: You can join because it is important to be united at the masjid.

10- You have left the town that you were born in and grew up in. When you visit now, do you pray full or qasr?
A: Pray full because I was born there and it will always be like my home.
B: Pray qasr because I no longer live there.
C: Pray full if there is a chance I might one day go back and live there.
D: Pray full only if I’m staying ten days and qasr if I’m not.

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