• Over 3500 students have experienced a Mizãn Course

  • Courses have been held in Australia, Canada, the USA, and the UK

  • Over 400 podcast episodes dedicated to different Islamic content 

  • Ten plus In-Person Courses on various topics

  • Launched Mizãn Extensives for on-demand in-depth looks into various Islamic Content 

  • Helped over 500 individuals through our appointments 

“I found the course to be very beneficial not only at a theoretical level but on a practical level as well. I was not
expecting the latter. We always learn new things but I felt this course created a paradigm shift which is rare.”

“Shaykh Amin Rastani had a wonderful delivery. What stood out for me and several others was the hope we gained
through the information we learned about a usually heavy and devoid of hope topic. I recommend this course for
all our communities.”

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