The Hour

“The Hour” is an advanced course picking up where the “Death and Barzakh” course left off: after the resurrection of the bodies and their reuniting with the souls after the second blow in the Sur. Based on the works of ‘Allamah Tabatabai and his students, it takes a very deep and eye-opening dive into the Day of Resurrection, dissecting some of the events of that day and looking at them with the precise and critical lens the ‘Allamah provides. The events covered in this course are the following:

1. The Ashraat of The Hour: The Natural Phenomena of the Final Day
2. The Ultimate Tawhid Attained in The Hour
3. The Bridge of Sirat
4. The Mizan or Scales of Deeds
5. The Kutub or Books of Deeds

In this 10-hour course, Tabatabai presents a deeper understanding for each of the above based on Quranic evidence, unlocking a new and unprecedented perspective for each. This is only one part of a series of courses on the Day of Resurrection; there are more events on that day beyond the five listed above that will be covered in ensuing courses, inshAllah.

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