Two courses with Instructor Shaykh Mahdi Rastani is being offered in the city of Vancouver, Canada! Note: This is not an online event and is only in-person; a livestream or recording of the event will NOT be available. Register Below!

The Mahdi

October 19
Saturday: 9:30AM – 5:30PM

Az-Zahraa Islamic Centre
8580 No. 5 Rd, Richmond, BC, V6Y 2V4

Course Synopsis:
All Abrahamic faiths await the appearance of a Messianic figure who will bring justice and peace to the world after it has become full of oppression and injustice. Muslims however, and in particular the Shi’a, find in their literature the most detailed descriptions of this savior, namely his name, titles, family, signs of his return and what the world will look like after his reappearance.

In this 9 hour course, titled “The Mahdi (as), Part 1: From Birth to Ghaybah”, Shaykh Mahdi Rastani discusses the following topics: 

The Savior in Judaism
The Savior in Christianity
The Savior in the Quran
The Mahdi in Shi’i Hadith
Similarities Between His Story and The Stories of Previous Prophets
Lessons to Be Learnt From The Different Titles Of The Mahdi
The Mahdi In Sunni Sources
Historical Details of His Birth
Proving The Birth
Events In The First Five Years of His Life
The Beginning of Occultation

Some questions we will cover:
1) What do Abrahamic faiths believe regarding the saviour?
2) What sources in Shi’i hadith speak of the Mahdi?
3) What similarities are found in the life of Imam Mahdi and stories of previous prophets?
4) What lessons can we learn from the different titles and names of the Imam?
5) What differences exist between Shias and Sunnis regarding the Mahdi?
6) Where was the mother of Imam Mahdi, Narjis, from? Was she a Roman princess?
7) Can the birth of Imam Mahdi be proven through Shi’a hadith literature?
8) Can we believe a human being to live thousands of years?
9) Who is Ja’far Kadhab and how did he oppose his nephew, Imam Mahdi?
10) What were the final moments of Imam Askari like?
11) What were the final words of the 12th Imam before occultation

The Secrets of Salat

October 20
Saturday: 9:30AM – 5:30PM

Az-Zahraa Islamic Centre
8580 No. 5 Rd, Richmond, BC, V6Y 2V4

Course Synopsis:
In this 10 hour course, Shaykh Mahdi discusses the etiquettes of a complete prayer as well as the secrets that lie behind many of the details of salat, such as the secrets behind ruku’, sujud, tashahhud, salam and much more, all based on the works of great scholars on the subject in which they dissect the Quranic verses and hadiths on the secrets of this pillar of Islam.

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